As a GREEN FLASH MEMBER you can message any member and all the recipients will be able to reply for free.
Not only can GREEN FLASH MEMBERS message all members, but GREEN FLASH MEMBERS can also access the direct contact details of all members, if they have chosen to make this information available. This means GREEN FLASH MEMBERS can message, email and telephone all other members.
If you are a GREEN FLASH MEMBERS then any member (including free members) can message, email and call you. This ensures that any member who wishes to contact you can do so, even before you have contacted them
GREEN FLASH MEMBERS have their profiles randomly featured right at the top of the search results. This means GREEN FLASH MEMBERS’ profiles are more than three times as likely to be viewed compared to free members.
Free access to our chat board, blog links and buy/sell/share page Is included. But this spreads your net wider as you have full ability to contact them .
If you need help or assistance with any aspect of our service then we are here for you 365 days a year and GREEN FLASH MEMBERSHIPs receive priority support, meaning your enquiry will go right to the top of the pile!