You lead with your profile name. Make it something that is easy to remember and will stay in a members mind… Personalise it but keep your nickname and headline memorable and relevant so people are encouraged to click on your profile and read more. For example;
Profile Name: DiveSkillz
Headline: Hamptons and East Coast USA: Dive Instructor
Now that a member has clicked on your profile and wants to read more…
Less is more!
There are many profiles to look through and then read, then shortlist, then interview, then hire. Use the few sentences in your profile to describe yourself well. It can be useful to say where you are working or want to work. (Don’t be too specific, read our SAFETY TIPS)
We recommend keeping your profile description to a max of 5 sentences. Focus on your skills and the future. If you want to write more, go for it! But it can be a good idea to start a new paragraph and then carry on. That way employers that are doing a quick scan through can get what they need to know about you in the first few lines. Keep in mind, a long winded profile is not very likely to be read. Try to keep what you want a member to know in those first five sentences.
Think about keywords and buzzwords. Members can choose keywords in the advanced search so if these words are in your profile, you are more likely appear in their search results.
Members will judge your profiles on your image, so choose this carefully and make it something relevant and relatable. If you aren’t sure you have the right image, but are a Dive Instructor, you can load a picture of your dive gear. Catchy is great! Relevant is best. Remember we are a search engine. You want to help employers and other members find what they are looking for, quickly.
Add your contact details: Become a Green Flash member and you can add your phone number and a URL/website. It means all members can contact you and message you. If you are on a budget, you can be a Green Flash member as a monthly option or just while you are searching for work.
Did you skim these bullet points easily?
See! Less is more when you are writing your profile.